Sunday, July 8, 2012

Rika's Roadhouse

Of course the first order of business is a lunch. She crab soup and a sandwich with a piece of pie. YUMMMY

The roadhouse has a lot of history and around it are very old reminders of the past. This old truck probably hauled many, many loads.

Looking in the passenger area, the seat was framed out of wood, and the firewall was also wood. Never realized before how much wood was used to produce a vehicle.

Part of the history of this old area.

This is the back view of the roadhouse.

A frontal view.

A bit of the history, which I will let you read.

At the road house, a scale was installed to weigh the freight before they were charged for a fairy ride.

I love to sew and this old sewing cabinet caught my eye.

Of course there was the old treddle machine. 

Then my heart just skipped beat with this modern stove. Fill it with wood, then whip up a delicious dinner.

More of the history for the Rika Roadhouse area.

This building was used by those stringing the wire and setting up the communications.

Very interesting place, we stayed the night and went on down the road.